What Clients should know about Recruiting in 2022, the current trend: Recruiters are picking which searches they want to work on!
The good news is that the legal market is booming post-COVID. The bad news is that the legal market is booming post-COVID.
You already know that good candidates are hard to come by in our current market… but did you know that there are so many open searches that your recruiters are cherry picking which ones they want to work on? Unbeknownst to you, you may have given your search to someone who is not even working it (emoji with hands up in the air like who knows)
The reason for this is because finding could candidates right now is about as difficult as catching a tiger by its toe…. Almost literally. It is hard to get placements closed so recruiters want to work on the searches that give them the best chances to close the deal. It’s understandable but it’s NOT good news for getting the results your attorneys are counting on you to provide.
At the end of the day, the recruiters you work with will reflect on YOUR reputation and success within the firm. That’s a scary thought, isn’t it? Make sure you align yourself with recruiters that will come through for you so that you will shine in your role by recruiting top talent for your firm within a reasonable time frame.

How to pick a recruiter:
- LOOK at websites and identify recruiters that appeal to you.
- LOOK for testimonials or ask for recommendations.
- SCHEDULE a call to find out if there is a good understanding of the market conditions and the requirements of your search.
- GET a commitment that the recruiter will make you a priority. Ask if they have the adequate time available right now to put into YOUR search.
- START WITH ONE. Give it to one recruiter to start with and give that person a dedicated timeframe for an exclusive. This will serve in your best interest for many reasons. (See Three Reasons you should hire….)

- Commit to a timeframe for completion of a successful search.
- Provide you with a weekly update to keep you in the loop of exactly where we are in the process.
- Provide a discount on any search that exceeds our original timeframe due to any delays incurred on our end.