Words cannot express my GRATITUDE to those who had faith in a young woman and gave her the opportunity of a lifetime. These special people and fond memories will forever be the portrait of the foundation of Alliance Legal Staffing.

Alliance Legal Staffing
Parents, Partners, Investors,
Prayer Warriors, &
Faithful Supporters
There have been so many people along this journey that have contributed to our success and the list grows daily. I feel a special gratitude to them all but those featured on this page were the key players in the launch of Alliance Legal Staffing on August 1, 1994.

Kathy Smith
Alliance Legal Staffing

Judi DelBiaggio
Weil Gotshal & Manges

Catherine Collins
Haynes & Boone

Janice Thompson (left)
Weil Gotshal & Manges
JoNan Burns (right)
Weil Gotshal & Manges

Mary Driskell (left)
Baker Botts, LLC

DeLyla Alexander (left)
Jean Campbell (right)
Law Offices of Frank L. Branson

Julie Thompson
Lynn, Stodghill,
Melsheimer, & Tillotson

Gail Horn (left)
Jackson Walker
Marilyn Colen (right)
Andrews Kurth

Greg Land
American Airlines

Linda Dietz
American Airlines
We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.
– John F. Kennedy

This page is dedicated to all who have been part of my professional life and the growth of Alliance Legal Staffing. To all of my clients, candidates, and colleagues: there truly are no words to convey my gratitude for taking this journey with me. To all who have helped me along the way: you have inspired me to give back to others the way you have so graciously given to me. In this vein, I strive to use my passion for small business by supporting small businesses within my vendor selections, marketing and promotional efforts. I also have a passion for young people looking to find purpose and ways to reach their professional goals through tapping into to their individual gifts and talents.
Introducing my mentoring program,
Plant a Seed Contribution
Plant three rows of peas: Peas of mind, Peas of heart, Peas of soul.

Plant four rows of squash: Squash gossip, Squash indifference, Squash grumbling, Squash selfishness.

Plant four rows of lettuce: Lettuce be faithful, Lettuce be kind, Lettuce be happy, Lettuce really love one another. No garden should be without turnips: Turnip for service, Turnip to help one another, Turnip the music and dance.

Water freely with patience and cultivate with love. There is much fruit in your garden because you reap what you sow.

To conclude our garden we must have Thyme: Thyme for fun, Thyme for rest, Thyme for ourselves.

In 1987, Eleanor was one of the few female entrepreneurs I had ever met. She was unique, full of wisdom, and I enjoyed talking with her. We spent hours brainstorming about my interests, strengths and weaknesses. She encouraged me, believed in me and boosted my confidence. And, she was completely correct about the type of career I would thrive in. I think about her often and I truly believe that her coaching was the best money my parents ever spent on me. I wish she could see where I am today.
Eleanor was a career counselor and author, which I am not, but I do have a passion for helping young people. For years I have wondered what I can do to help the next generation on their own career paths, and I believe that some could benefit from the wisdom I have gained along the way through both successes and failures. As my way of giving back, I’m offering to visit (at no charge) with young people ages 10-22 to brainstorm and pique their interest about business and their future careers. It would be my honor to help them cultivate dreams of their own and provide support and encouragement of how they too can find a fulfilling purpose.

Alliance Legal Staffing is a Certified Women and Minority Owned Business Enterprise.
Alliance Legal Staffing
8117 Preston Road, Suite 300
Dallas, Texas 75225
Phone: 214.954.1250
TEXT: 214.683.8662
Facsimile: 214.954.1290
[email protected]
You be You, We’ll be Us
Alliance Legal Staffing is a faith-based organization but we do not push our beliefs onto others. We are accepting of all people as individuals regardless of age, color, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender, national origin, race, political affiliation, sexual orientation, socio-economic status or religion. We state that we are a faith-based business to communicate the core of our convictions and what drives our decisions and processes. We have a genuine love for all people and strive to serve them according to our core values and their best interests. We share these convictions publicly to keep ourselves accountable and to remind us daily of the importance of our words, the way we treat others, and the way we conduct ourselves and our business.