Whether you are looking to hire or looking for a new position, as your representative, we have what it takes to make the connection.


At Alliance Legal, we believe every person we meet is an individual who has something unique to offer. We also believe that every position is a great opportunity for the right person.


The challenge is to find the right person, for the right position, at the right time, with the right experience and the right credentials who also has the right personality type, work ethic, demeanor and attitude; who is professional, polished and quite frankly fits in with the rest of the group… Exhausted yet? Oh, and on top of all that, all candidates come with a variety of goals… and all clients have varied levels of expectations… And did we mention location? Yes, the geographical location of both parties is important to sustaining successful matches as well. Relax, we’ve got this! Peace of mind comes when you can rest assured your needs are met according to your specifications so that you can focus on more pressing issues. This is what you get when you choose Alliance. A proven expert eager to facilitate this process supportive of YOUR best interest.

Why I can do this better than you can?

Relationships take time. Searching for people, meeting with them and building relationships is truly all-consuming. When you have other responsibilities, as you do, it is impossible to perform at the level I can because this is all I do, and I do it 24/7. I work weekends, evenings and holidays because I absolutely LOVE finding and meeting my candidates and then matching them with clients that are best suited for them. I also love marketing my business to the Dallas legal community. My approach is different from the others in this realm too. Connect with me today to experience the passion of what I do and the spirit in which it is done.

Shannan Humphries

Alliance Legal Staffing is a Certified Women and Minority Owned Business Enterprise.

Alliance Legal Staffing
8117 Preston Road, Suite 300
Dallas, Texas 75225

Phone: 214.954.1250
TEXT: 214.683.8662
Facsimile: 214.954.1290

You be You, We’ll be Us

Alliance Legal Staffing is a faith-based organization but we do not push our beliefs onto others. We are accepting of all people as individuals regardless of age, color, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender, national origin, race, political affiliation, sexual orientation, socio-economic status or religion. We state that we are a faith-based business to communicate the core of our convictions and what drives our decisions and processes. We have a genuine love for all people and strive to serve them according to our core values and their best interests. We share these convictions publicly to keep ourselves accountable and to remind us daily of the importance of our words, the way we treat others, and the way we conduct ourselves and our business.